+7 812 410 00 11
Saint-Petersburg, Tatarsky st. 4

The program designed to restore carbohydrate and lipid exchange

Metabolic malfunctions are a group of diseases causing infringements to carbohydrate and lipid exchange in a human body. They lead to obesity, arterial hypertension, atherosclerosis and the development of an ischemic heart disease. As a result of these diseases receptors of cells of peripheral tissues lose sensitivity to insulin. Thus the cells «starve», and the pancreas continues to synthesize more and more insulin. «Excess» insulin becomes the causes of arterial hypertension, «deterioration» of the cardiac muscle, and synthesis of lipids. Therefore it is difficult for people with such malfunction to lose weight without restoration of sensitivity of tissues to the insulin, produced by the organism.

The unique complex of peptide bioregulators restores sensitivity of tissues to insulin, improves functioning of the pancreas, and as consequence, restores carbohydrate and lipid exchange. The course of bioregulating therapy leads to a decrease in arterial pressure, sugar level indices, lipoproteins («bad» cholesterol indices) in blood, and body weight.
Consultation with a therapist
3 procedures of electrophoresis and a course of tableted peptide bioregulators, restoring function of the pancreas normalizing carbohydrate and lipid exchange
Individual biocompatible food

Identification of specific immunoglobulins to food allergens allows to pinpoint nutrition which has a negative influence on an organism and to develop a scheme of an individual diet. Food allergy is one of the reasons of many acute and chronic diseases. Food allergy is difficult to recognize. A lot of people have symptoms of an allergy to commonly used products, however they don't know about it and don't know how to find out to what products there is an allergic reaction.