+7 812 410 00 11
Saint-Petersburg, Tatarsky st. 4

the program of restoration and maintenance of antitoxic, excretory and proto-synthetic functions of the liver

In a human body the liver performs a function of a barrier. Throughout our entire life liver clears the blood from harmful substances. It also actively participates in the processes of digestion. Bad ecology, poor nutrition, stress, alcohol, infections and antibiotics – all lead to the decrease of liver functions. And this in turn leads to the occurrence of acute and chronic hepatic insufficiency.

Peptide bioregulators are used to help the liver cope with external negative factors and to strengthen its protective functions.
Consultation with a therapist
Ultrasonic scan of abdominal cavity and retroperitoneum
Clinical analysis of the blood (thrombocytes, reticulocytes and leukocytic formula)
Expanded biochemical analysis (albumin, crude protein, alanine-aminotransferase, AST, total and direct bilirubin, glucose, lipidogram, factor of aterogeneity)
5 electrophoresis procedures and a course of tableted peptide bioregulators, restoring exchange processes in the liver
The program «Healthy liver» improves general state of health, normalizes appetite, reduces pain syndrome, decreases diseptic occurrences, and also shows its effectiveness in prevention of the complications of chemotherapy, collateral damage of antibiotics and other medical products.