+7 812 410 00 11
Saint-Petersburg, Tatarsky st. 4

The program of prevention and treatment of retinal diseases

Eyes give us more than 75 percent of the information from the outside world. Loss or sharp decrease in the vision renders a person incapable regardless of age and physical condition. Even people with almost perfect sight experience weariness, irritation and itching sensation in the eyes due to fatigue, chronic stress, bad ecology and artificial illumination. The reasons for the occurance of the loss of sight and blindness are various, but among the main ones is the damage of the retina.

This program is recommended to reduce visual fatigue, during intense visual load and long work with a computer. It is also highly effective in preventing of the age-related and genetically predetermined diseases of the retina.
Consultation with an ophthalmologist
5 procedures of electrophoresis and a course of tableted peptide bioregulators, restoring metabolism in the eye structure
Peptide bioregulators

stop the dystrophic processes in the retina, restoring sight. Apart from the retinal peptide, which affects the rods and cones, we use peptide of the vessels to improve eye nourishment and the peptide of the brain which restores the patency of nervous impulses through the optic nerves. In addition a peptide bioregulator stimulating functioning the immune system is added. Such complex approach allows not only to stop the progression of retinal diseases, but also to enhance visual functions.