+7 812 410 00 11
Saint-Petersburg, Tatarsky st. 4



Human body is full of blood vessels. They represent a transport highway, providing each section of our organism with blood, providing supply of oxygen and nutrients. The more efficient is the work of the vascular system, the better is the metabolism.

Varicosity develops due to a lowered tonus of veins. Venous valves don't shut fully and the blood starts to congest, increasing the size of a vein. Removal or hardening of the vein doesn't eliminate the reason of a weak tonus of vessels, therefore getting rid of one varicose vein doesn't guarantee good results, because in its place several more can appear. However veins can be stimulated by means of special medicamentous procedures and exercises. In the middle of the venous wall there is a layer of muscles which regulates its diameter. Therefore, in order for the vein to compress and easily overcome resistance of a venous flow of blood, it is necessary that the exchange processes in muscular cells run correctly
The program designed to strengthen blood vessels, improve blood supply and cardiac muscles
The program designed to strengthen vessels of the bottom extremities and prevent varix dilation